Did you know that Blood Sugar Dysregulation is the predominant Risk Factor in 9 out of 10 of the highest causes of death in the US; not to mention their costly means of "life-support" before the final blow.
Top 10 Causes of Death in the US in 2022 (1.)
Cardiovascular Disease/Events: 702,880 (13.)
Cancer: 608,371 (12.)
Iatrogenic(Medical Errors): 227,039
COVID-19: 186,552 (14.)
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 165,393 (15.)
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 147,382 (16.)
Alzheimer’s disease: 120,122 (17.)
Diabetes: 101,209
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 57,937 (18.)
Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis: 54,803 (19.)
Top Costs of Treating these Conditions in the US: (US GDP for Health Care - 17.6% - $4.8 Trillion/year) (11.)
Cardiovascular Disease: $393 Billion(2020) - Projected to increase to $1490 Billion by 2050. (2..)
Cancer: $463.4 Billion(2022) - Projected to increase to $25.2 Trillion by 2050. (3.)
Iatrogenic(Medical Errors): $393-$958 Billion "Social Costs" (4.)
Alzheimer’s disease: $321 Billion (2022); Projected to increase to $1.14 Trillion by 2050. (6.)
Diabetes: $413 Billion (2022) (20.)
What is Metabolic Syndrome:
Metabolic Syndrome is an umbrella term for the factors that cause/contribute to the development of glucose metabolism inefficiency or dysfunction.
Typical Factors that constitute MS:
Types II Diabetes Mellitus (Insulin Resistance)
Sedentary Lifestyle
Big words, that essentially mean there are large and frequent environmental insults on our pancreatic hormones, the transport proteins, and pathways that aid in getting glucose from the blood into our cells for our mitochondria to use for ATP(energy) production.
More frequent and robust glucose and insulin spikes than our physiology has evolved and adapted to handle(8.) as well as environmental toxins like plastics(Bisphenol, polyethylenes), Phthalates(plasticizers), and PFOA's(like Teflon®)(7.) are just a few industrial chemicals that have become ubiquitous in our food packaging, preservation, and coating of non-stick pans that are creating resistance from every cell in our body and its ability to absorb and utilize sugar for energy.
When sugar is poorly absorbed, or our pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin; we end up with higher glucose levels in our blood for longer periods of time. This high osmolality of blood causes damage to the inner lining(endothelia) of our vessels(9.), increases risk of infection(pathogens love sugar), increases inflammatory cytokines(causing more damage to blood vessels), and in severe cases can damage the eyes, kidneys, liver, heart, skin ulcerations, and impede wound healing.
Yes, sugar/glucose is our brain and body's primary means of producing ATP which is what our cells use for energy. However, our physiology has not evolved as quickly as our ease of access to Ultra-processed foods and different forms of sugars and carbohydrates.
We also have insults on the receptors that help carry glucose into our cells from the large swath of synthetic and petroleum-based chemicals that we've flooded our environment and food supply with over the last 100 years; plastics(polyethylenes), phthalates, PVC, Teflon(PFOA's), and Organophosphate herbicides and pesticides all wreak havoc on the endocrine system and are an unsung villain.
Moral of the story is that Metabolic Syndrome is one of the most Preventable Set of Symptoms and Risk factors for our leading causes of Death and outrageous healthcare spending of 17.6% of our total annual GDP.
The CDC themselves state that "90% of the nation's $4.5 Trillion in Annual Healthcare expenditures are for people with chronic [physical] and mental health conditions." (10.)
After reviewing the statistics of Cost of Care currently being used I don't see how they can then state, "CDC funds partners to use proven interventions that improve quality of life and save money". When projections for some of our major chronic diseases are placed at $25.2 Trillion annually for Cancer care alone by the year 2050. (3.)
PMID: 38832515
PMID: 32522832
PMID: 21471477
PMID: 35027963
Am J Manag Care. 2022;28(suppl 10):S188-S196. https://doi.org/10.37765/ajmc.2022.89236
PMID: 37134142
PMID: 22611498
PMID: 28130064
PMID: 32438331
PMID: 25374814
PMID: 37909353
